Long Island Rail Road 

Diesel Locomotives and Other Equipment Named in Honor of LIRR Employees

(Researched by Dave Keller)


(Thanks to Douglas Nash and Bob Meoli for additional data that was not available to me through photographic evidence.)



GP38-2 Units:


#251           “Bill Jeffries – Operation Desert Storm” (System Road

                             Foreman of Engines)  251 11-91 PJeff.jpg (56210 bytes)    Photo: John Volpi 11-1991



                                                                              251_07-91 Smithtown.jpg (76823 bytes)  Photo: John Volpi 07-1991


#251           “Joe Ciminello” – 1943-1994” (Engineer) 


                     LIST-11-12-94Joe Ciminello251.jpg (67701 bytes)   LIST-11-12-94Joe Ciminello251_2.jpg (80507 bytes)

#252           “Tony Tancredi” (Engineer)     LIST-11-12-94Tony Tancredi252.jpg (75100 bytes)   

Nov 12, 1994 Long Island Sunrise Trail Chapter-NRHS trip for the NRHS Fall Directors Meeting at Fresh Pond. 
Photos: Al Castelli


lirr252-Engr-Art-Sanwald-in-Named-Cab-Tony-Tancredi-Speonk-1995.jpg (60108 bytes)Engineer Art Sanwald in Named Cab "Tony Tancredi" Speonk-1995  Thomas Collins photo, Dave Keller archive





#253           "Peter Veltri - Operation Desert Storm" (position?)


#254           “Eric J. Enck – Operation Desert Storm” (Asst. Conductor)


#256         Edward F. Case – 1959-1992” (Maintenance of Equipment Foreman)     

        256 5-31-92 Port Jeff.jpg (38586 bytes)   Photo: John Volpi 05-31-92             

#257           "Paul Pumbonyo" - Operation Desert Storm” (Conductor)


#259           “John A. Cosman” (Engineer)  


#260           "John Henderson - Operation Desert Storm" (position?)

                    “Nick Feliciano – Engineer of the Year” (1994)

                    GP38-2-260-Nick-Feliciano-Speonk-12-95.jpg (48733 bytes)  Photo: Thomas Collins, Speonk 12/95, Dave Keller archive

#261           "Glynn Johnson - Operation Desert Storm" (Engineer)


#262          “R. B. Giannuzzi” (Engineer)  

                    lirr262Bob GianuzziIslipMikeMarra.jpg (54998 bytes)  Nassau Ave, Islip, NY  07/11/1994 Photo: Mike Marra  


                        lirr262PortJeffBobGianuzzi04-03-77EM.jpg (76960 bytes)  Port Jefferson 04/03/1977 Photo: Ed McKernan  


#264           Clyde Hancock” (Engineer)

                  GP38-2_264ClydeHancock_PJeff10-19-91.jpg (65920 bytes) Port Jefferson, NY 10/19/91 Dave Keller Archive


                         GP38-2_264ClydeHancock_PJeff10-19-91close-up.jpg (33613 bytes)


#266           “Joe ‘Jo Jo’ Glorioso *** – Operation Desert Storm” (Engineer) 
                    266 8-91 Port Jeff.jpg (41624 bytes) Photo: John Volpi 08-1991


#268           “John ‘Tanky’ Bell, Jr.” (Engineer) Engineer: Art Sanwald at Speonk 6/90

                    GP38-268-John-Tanky-Bell-Engr-Art-Sanwald-Speonk-6-90.jpg (63378 bytes) Photo: Thomas Collins, Dave Keller archive


#269           “George B. McSherry” (Engineer)
                    lirr269ronkonkoma1983 mod.jpg (46263 bytes)  Ronkonkoma 1983 Photo: Mike Koehler


                         LIRR-L269-061183.jpg (60918 bytes)  Oyster Bay 6/11/83 Photo: Al Castelli 


                    lirr269GeorgeB. McSherry.jpg (48258 bytes)  Smithtown winter 1984 Photo: Mike Koehler   


                        LIRR-L269-061183name.jpg (73776 bytes)  Oyster Bay 6/11/83  Photo: Al Castelli 



                        269 Smithtown 5-91.jpg (70684 bytes)  Photo: John Volpi 05-1991

Engine 269 was named "George McSherry", as he had been the General Chairman of the BLE for a time; Local 269.  Info: Bob Anderson, Retired Lirr Conductor


#272            "Robert Franke” (Engineer) with Engineer Patrick Gordon in the cab


                        GP38-272-Robert-Franke-Engr-Patrick-Gordon-Speonk-6-90.jpg (39089 bytes)  Speonk , NY - 6/90 Thomas Collins photo, Dave Keller archive


                        LI272robertfranke1990.jpg (96974 bytes) Photo: 1990

#274           "Carlos Cintron - Operation Desert Storm" (Policeman)


#275           “Marvin Blaine” (Engineer)

                     GP38-2-275-Parlor-Car-Train-East-PD-Patchogue-1-7-90 (Keller).jpg (96556 bytes)  GP38-2 #275 - Parlor Car at PD Tower 1/07/ 1990 Dave Keller archive


#276           “Kenneth S. Carman” (Engineer)  

                   “William F Baker” (Engineer)   Engr. Patrick Gordon, Speonk 12/1990 

                    GP38-276-WilliamFBakerwithEngrPatrickGordonSpeonk12-1990.jpg (41143 bytes) Thomas Collins photo, Dave Keller archive


#277           “Walter Schlager, Jr.” (President)


                    LI277WalterSchlagerplate.jpg (72006 bytes)       


                    LI277WalterSchlager.jpg (60840 bytes)  Morris Park 12/1981 Photos: Tim Darnell 


** “Jo Jo" comes from his sideline of being a clown and it came in handy when he was in 
Desert Storm as he entertained the troops and local children.”   
Bob Meoli, LIRR Engineer, retired



SW1001 Units:  


#102           Lawrence Vedilago” (Maintenance of Equipment Foreman)

                    SW1001_LIRR102-ConductorFrankLingon_RailfanExtraGreenport10-03-92.jpg (41385 bytes)

Conductor Frank “Footsie” Lingon alongside SW1001 #102 “Lawrence C. Vedilago” on 
Railfan Extra at Greenport, NY – 10/3/92  (Tom Collins photo, Dave Keller archive)








lirr104-102-Lawrence-Vedilago_handle-bar-hogger_zps691312da_MarioCraig.jpg (55417 bytes)#102 "Lawrence C. Vedilago" with hogger and #104 “Levi R. Brown” Photo: Mario Craig







#103           “Robert B. Dunnet(Yardmaster)


#104           “Levi R. Brown” (Maintenance of Equipment Foreman)

                    102-104Greenport10-92johnvolpi.jpg (86652 bytes)  Photo: Greenport 10-92 John Volpi



ex-FA Power Cab Unit:


#3100         “Robert "Buff" Stickevers” (I believe he worked in the Sheet Metal's Union in Jamaica. 
Featured on Newsday front page when the 1987 strike ended.)  Info: Brian Stickevers (son)
FA-3100.jpg (52248 bytes)
      LIRR-L3100-HMaywaldcr.jpg (111777 bytes)   Photo: Henry Maywald



Long Island RailRoad Diesel Locomotives Named in Honor of Those 
Who Saved Lives in the Colin Ferguson Massacre


On December 7, 1993, Colin Ferguson, a disturbed black man who supposedly was in fear of white people boarded a LIRR train and began shooting random passengers as the train pulled into the Merillon Ave. Station west of Mineola, killing 6 and injuring 19.  The riders named below helped to overpower him and stop the killing.



FL9AC Units:


#300           “Kevin Blum”  FL9AC_300_PJeff_billskeats.jpg (56088 bytes)  Port Jefferson 10/1996 Photo: William Skeats 


#301           “Mark McEntee”  LIRR301_FL9AC.jpg (119918 bytes)   Port Jefferson 08/1996 Photo: William J. Skeats


#302           “Mike O’ Connor” 
                     lirr302MikeOConnor11-98closeup.jpg (66662 bytes) Port Jefferson 11/1998 Archive: Dave Keller


                     lirr302MikeOConnor11-98.jpg (66273 bytes)   Port Jefferson 11/1998 Archive: Dave Keller


                        lirrFL9-302-6-12-99brianwoodruffPortJnamed diesaloconnor.jpg (68381 bytes)  Port Jefferson 06/12/1999 Photo: Brian Woodruff




Long Island Rail Road Miscellaneous Named Equipment:



Caboose  #61  “J.J. Shurman”  Freight Conductor - 1946-1976

                    C61-Yard A.jpg (82785 bytes) C61 Yard A Photo: Steve Hoskins c. 1960's



                         C61_01-17-05_JTischner.jpg (55681 bytes)  C61 Sherman Name Plate Photo: Joe Tischner 1-17-05