Lindenhurst Station view SE c.1910  - Archive: Dave Keller


SSRR service began on 10/28/1867 as Wellwood. The original two story wooden depot with front verandah-style covered platform and porte-cochere at rear was built on the south side of the tracks and east of Wellwood Ave.; renamed "Breslau" in 1869.

2nd depot privately built 25' north of original depot site (across tracks on north side of the tracks.) The two story wooden depot had agent's living quarters upstairs and the post office at street level. It was opened in time for the June 6th, 1870 festivities for land sale and development of Breslau. SSRR gave a terrible performance at the festivities and received such scathing reviews from The Brooklyn Daily Eagle that it's believed the offer to give the SSRR the depot was cancelled and moved off-site within a few months to become a much-needed school which opened on 12/12/1870, but was found to be too small and "would be replaced soon" (Bayles, 1874). This 2nd structure became a fire house. The original 1867 depot remained in service on its original site. Church services were held there on Sundays ("South Side Signal" of 12/7/1870 - courtesy of Art Huneke).

Station name changed to "Lindenhurst": 1891 with the ticket bay extended the full width of the verandah-style platform. The depot was destroyed by fire on 1/22/1901. Temporary quarters established in Pearsall's Barber Shop and the freight house for several days until a combine car was placed on siding serving as ticket office and waiting room.

3rd depot built on south side of tracks, slightly east of the former depot and placed in svc: 3/23/1901. The ticket bay window was enlarged. The depot and shelter shed across from this depot moved further east: c. 1926 (Bob Emery) to be joined with freight/express house which had been shortened by 1/2 its original length. The depot was remodeled and ticket bay window removed. Donated to the Lindenhurst Historical Society by the LIRR in 1967, but remained in use until 10/25/1968 when the depot was closed due to the grade elimination project and moved to nearby Irmisch Park.

The freight house was separated from the depot and both structures restored to two, separate structures, although not of the original configuration and size. The original sized bay window restored, beginning 1971. The current site is a Village of Lindenhurst Museum. Temporary station in svc: 10/25/68 on account of the grade crossing elimination project. Elevated structure in svc: 8/7/73. Agency closed: 8/19/2009   Research: Dave Keller

SSRR Timetable Wellwood 1/01/1869
Archive: Art Huneke

From   "Sketches of Suffolk County, Historical and Descriptive" by Richard M. Bayles, 1873
Archive: Art Huneke


Nehring's Hotel, Wellwood is behind the eastbound
SSRR locomotive 1873 Archive: Art Huneke
Station-Lindenhurst-SSRR Bldg-1891_Keller.jpg (67077 bytes)
LIRR (ex-SSRR) Lindenhurst Station - View SE 1891
Archive: Dave Keller


Station-Lindenhurst-SSRR Bldg-Train-Condr. Burchill-Trainman Lawrence-1897_Skip Meinhard.jpg (107746 bytes)
LIRR Lindenhurst Station Conductor Burchill,
Trainman Lawrence View W - 1897
Archive: Skip Meinhard
Station-Lindenhurst_viewS_1901.jpg (86526 bytes)
3rd Lindenhurst Station View S c.1901
Archive: Dave Keller

Lindenhurst - Hyde map c.1900 with sidings to Dittman (sic) Bros. Coal Yard and Vulcanite Mfg. Co.

Lindenhurst CR4-1913 sidings to Dittmann (sic) Bros. Coal Yard/Lindenhurst Coal Co. and Vulcanite Mfg. Co. later to become with the siding extension in 1915 Lakeville Mfg. Co./Suffolk Lumber Co. per Emery map MP33-34 Lindenhurst  8/1958 (right)

Lindenhurst Coal Fuel View NE 8/1958
Archive: Emery SUNY- Stony Brook
Emery-Lindenhurst_MP33-34_8-58.jpg (445980 bytes)
Emery map MP33-34 Lindenhurst  8/1958
Archive: Dave Keller

Lindenhurst view E  - 4/17/1961 Archive: Mike Boland

Lindenhurst-Station_viewS_c.1901_Morrison.jpg (102427 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station View S c.1901+
Archive: Dave Morrison

Wellwood Ave., Lindenhurst crossing as a dirt road view N c. 1901
Archive: Dave Keller  Note: Nehring's Hotel at left.

D56 #92 at Lindenhurst Station - View NW  c. 1905
Archive: Dave Keller

Lindenhurst Station - View SE c.1905 Archive: Dave Keller
Note: Mail crane and Mail Marker post

Lindenhurst Station - Horse & Buggy at Express House
view NW c. 1905 Archive: Dave Keller
Lindenhurst_ViewSE_1906_SUNY-Emery.jpg (147055 bytes)
Lindenhurst View SE 1906
Collection:  Emery SUNY Stony Brook
Lindenhurst-Station-viewE_c.1907_Morrison.jpg (104852 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station View E c.1907
Archive: Dave Morrison  Note: Mail marker post.

Lindenhurst Station and Express House
 View SE c.1912+ Archive: Dave Keller

As of the official LIRR Train Order Offices and Signal Stations listed in  ETT #61 effective 6/28/1911, Lindenhurst was no longer indicated as a train order office or signal office.

My ETT effective 11/1910 has no such listing and there is no similar listing in my 1910 LIRR Book of  Rules so I can't say WHEN block signals were removed from that location, but we know they were gone by June, 1911.  So any photos that show the block signal out front would have been taken prior to that date.  Research: Dave Keller

Station-Lindenhurst-East-1907.jpg (69335 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station - View E  1907
Station-Lindenhurst-1907_Huneke.jpg (155312 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station  1907 Archive: Art Huneke
 Station-Lindenhurst-Close-up of Sign - 1907.jpg (157097 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station  - Close-up of sign 1907
Archive: Art Huneke

Camelback Locomotive westbound over Wellwood Ave. crossing at Lindenhurst Station c. 1910  Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Lindenhurst-Rear-View NE-c. 1910.JPG (44971 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station - Rear view NE c.1910
Station-Lindenhurst-c. 1910.jpg (73965 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station  View E c.1910

Lindenhurst Station - Camelback eastbound - View NW
c. 1910 Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Lindenhurst (View SW) - c. 1925 (Osborne-Huneke).jpg (76057 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station View SW c.1925 (Osborne-Huneke)
Station-Lindenhurst (View SW) - c. 1925 (Osborne-Huneke) (Zoom Depot).jpg (90540 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station zoom View SW c.1925 (Osborne-Huneke)
Winter views of the Wellwood Ave. crossing in Lindenhurst after the blizzard of Monday February 19, 1934.  Dave Keller archive
Station-Lindenhurst (View W) - c. 1925 (Osborne-Huneke) (Zoom Shelter).jpg (79863 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station - Shelter zoom View W
c.1925 (Osborne-Huneke)
Station-Lindenhurst-c. 1940.jpg (153680 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station - View W c.1940 Siding to
LI Reliable Fuel Co. coal yard
Lindenhurst-Station-Coal_ViewNE_8-1958_SUNY-Emery.JPG (140223 bytes)
Lindenhurst View N E 8/1958  
Collection: SUNY Stony Brook-Emery
Emery-Lindenhurst-Station-detail_8-1958.jpg (269469 bytes)
Emery Lindenhurst Station detail 8/1958
Collection: SUNY Stony Brook-Emery
Emery-Lindenhurst_MP33-34_8-58.jpg (445980 bytes)
Emery map MP33-34 Lindenhurst  8/1958
Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Lindenhurst-Floor Plans.jpg (97293 bytes)
Transformation of the Lindenhurst 1901
Station Floor Plan Design/Research: Dave Keller
Lindenhurst-Station_viewSE_1952_DickWetterau-RichardViken_QueensboroPublicLibraryJamaica.jpg (103857 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station view SE 1952 Photo: Dick Wetterau and Richard Viken 
Archive: Queensborough Public Library Jamaica
Station-Lindenhurst-Combined Frt-Exp Hse-1966_Keller.jpg (87627 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station Combined Freight-Express House
and tracks still in use 1966.  Photo/Archive: Dave Keller
Station-Lindenhurst-Combined Frt-Exp Hse-Rear-Winter-1967_Keller.jpg (126838 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station Combined Freight-Express House rear NW view in winter 1967 Photo/Archive: Dave Keller
Lindenhurst33.jpg (49593 bytes)
LIRR 1966 Lindenhurst Map #33

Lindenhurst - Wellwood Ave - View W 4/1967

Lindenhurst Station Combined Freight-Express House when the depot was about to be jacked up and moved. The tracks are already being pulled up in his SE view. 1968
Photo: J. P. Krzenski  Archive: Dave Keller

Signal S344 is on the Montauk/Babylon branch just east of Delaware Ave., east of Lindenhurst, at approximately MP 34. This view is looking west. Emery's map does not show a crossing near the signal so he must've left it off his rough draft maps. (A prefix of "S" indicates South Shore signals.) Archive: Dave Morrison
Lindenhurst-Station_viewSE_BradPhillips.jpg (165736 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station view SE January 1968; work just starting on temporary station facilities for elevation. Archive: Brad Phillips

Lindenhurst - Wellwood Ave view S 1970
Archive: Merrick Library

Lindenhurst-Station_viewE_BradPhillips.jpg (138271 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station view E  January 1968; work just starting on temporary station facilities for elevation Archive: Brad Phillips

Lindenhurst Station - Wellwood Ave view E 1970
Archive: Merrick Library

Poster on the station platform is for the movie Camelot which came out on March 14, 1967. In the background of the view looking east we see construction underway for the grade elimination project. The depot was closed on 10/25/68 as a result of the elimination.. Research: Dave Keller

LIRR #219 eastbound at Lindenhurst Station c.1962

Ticket Lindenhurst to Babylon 1/2 fare 3/07/1964
Archive: Brad Phillips


Station-Lindenhurst-Irmisch Park-1971_2_Keller.jpg (102067 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station and Freight Depot/Express house
Irmisch Park 1971  Photo/Archive: Dave Keller

Station-Lindenhurst-Irmisch Park-1971_Keller.jpg (102304 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station and Freight Depot/express house
Irmisch Park 1971  Photo/Archive: Dave Keller
Lindenhurst-aerial-photo_ViewW-above-School-St_c.1973_Jim-Mooney.jpg (234713 bytes)
Lindenhurst aerial photo View W from above School Street c.1973 Photo: Jim Mooney (possible) Archive: Dave Morrison

Lindenhurst-Station-museum_5-2018_Morrison.jpg (105289 bytes) Lindenhurst-Station-museum-LIRR-52_5-2018_Morrison.jpg (112360 bytes) Lindenhurst-Station-museum_5-2018_Morrison (2).jpg (105424 bytes)
Lindenhurst Station Museum - Irmisch Park 2018 Photos/Archive: Dave Morrison