LIRR Coal Freight Info  

The Long Island's coal freight operations terminated more cars than they originated (68.0% of the loaded car miles were eastbound from the mainland vs. 32.0% westbound).

Commodities terminated included coal, lumber, cement and iron & steel, the LIRR's four largest in 1947. The number of originated carloads could easily be accommodated in lumber boxcars after unloading and cleaning. Having to haul empty boxcars to Eastern Long Island caused the percent loaded of total car miles to hover around 50%.

LIRR Coal Operations by Jim Guthrie

Essentially, each silo was filled with different sizes and types of coal.  Most domestic users preferred anthracite, because it made far less smoke. But some found Coke very useful, and some bituminous. The latter had other storage problems, including the penchant for spontaneous combustion in certain circumstances. The switch to concrete was in part because of this -- there are some interesting accounts of coal pockets burning over the years -- especially older types like the facility pictured.

HeffnerPillionSheepsheadbay.JPG (25731 bytes)Sheepshead Bay 1908 Heffner & Pillion

Many coal retailers were also in the ice business (and some had started out in wood and lumber). Obviously, coal was bigger in the fall and winter, ice was bigger in spring and summer -- but both had some year 'round business to keep delivery wagons and employees busy all year.

Ice was also a very important LIRR freight commodity, and deserves a page on its own, I think. Knickerbocker Ice had several storage plants, for example. I vaguely remember an ice house in Smithtown when I was a kid -- at the end of the stub siding off the freight siding on the south side of the east end of the station platform.

I'm not sure which was more interesting [and in either case, we'll never see again] but a burning coal dealer, where the coal glowed for weeks no matter the efforts of the fire department, or the burning [full] ice house, which went quickly because straw was used as insulation, leaving a 3-4 story block of ice that took weeks to melt.

Further, the anthracite (and coke and bituminous wholesalers and distributors) tried product differentiation/branding -- so in the early days, anthracite might be sold as "Free Burning White Ash" or "Lehigh Red Ash" or some such; some had catch phrases like Lehigh Valley 's "Makes Warm Friends" or even coloring the anthracite: many of us know "Blue Coal" which the DL&W colored with a tint for product differentiation (most of it was actually Free Burning White Ash), but the Philadelphia and Reading added red spots (red=Reading), Old Company Lehigh added red disks, while Payne added Orange disks -- all sold by various retailers served by the LIRR.

[The D&H's Hudson Coal Company colored their anthracite silver in the 1950s, although the D&H had pretty much pulled out of the entire NYC area before WWI. But when DL&W and Hudson merged around 1960, they sold both "Blue" and "Silver" anthracite for awhile, and it appears that a few dealers on Long Island may have sold both for awhile maybe 1960-62.]

In any case, there were a variety of sizes for home use -- Egg, Chestnut (or nut), Pea and Buckwheat were especially popular -- the latter generally cheaper than the larger sizes, but generally less efficient as well. If a customer wanted Chestnut, they didn't want Buckwheat <g>.

The concrete silos became especially popular after World War I, but there were a variety of designs and manufacturers and builders of these things.

In general, you see some sort of lift conveyance that brings coal to the top from beneath the coal hopper of space beneath the track. Coal would be dumped into the top of the silo -- but inside there might be some sort of spiral chute, because you did not want the coal shattering when dropped from a high point to a not-so full silo.

We see in some of the later pictures, the lifting device is no longer installed, because the silos are no longer used, which leaves how they worked something of a mystery to those who only saw these at the very end.

Just a side note: Most consumers HATED their coal dealers, because they always thought they were getting cheated. It's hard to confirm the measure of coal purchased (and put in the cellar via a chute off the coal delivery truck) -- Who's to say that "ton" was really 2,000 pounds or maybe 1700 pounds? The "exact" measurement of oil from an oil delivery truck (and county bureaus of weights and measures to confirm their accuracy) is a legacy of that era in many ways, and is one of the major reasons people switched to oil the moment it became available.

The other reason was that the coal furnace was either on or off -- burning anthracite or not. Oil was "instant on" and "instant off" -- which was another advantage.

You usually see a chute partway up the silos (or what looks like a boarded up window after the silo was no longer used <g>).. That's where trucks were loaded to make their deliveries. The wooden storage  buildings like the Heffner would have a place for carts (later trucks)  to unload beneath each bin. There were also concrete versions of this -- big oblong buildings similar to those made of wood.

There are lots of variations on a theme. Some of these outfits used open air storage -- simply with a trestle -- and maybe had trucks pull up under the trestle and have coal loaded directly. More often, the coal would be dumped below the trestle, and a portable loader put into the coal pile to lift it and dump it into nearby trucks.

Dieckel on the West Hempstead Branch seemed to take "live" real time deliveries after the Valley Stream Grade Crossing Elimination eliminated their siding -- another variation -- and perhaps unique. Can someone confirm that?

The busiest coal route on the LIRR was apparently between the Kopper's Coke Plant near Maspeth and Long Island City .

There was probably more tonnage in the early twentieth century than the rest of the railroad combined. I'm not clear on the actual movements, but this is shown as a major coal volume route in places like USRA documents, for example.

Coke of course is "cooked" coal -- which led to all manner of dirty air complaints, and is one of the leading reasons for Superfund Sites today (Coal Gas being another one, and coal to coal gas plants on Long Island were probably more important in volume than even the State Hospitals, but I digress). Kopper's was a major Coke plant for the NY Area -- and some even went to New England, mostly via barges and schooners from the big Sprague plant just north of the Long Island City passenger terminal.

Two other things are important to understand: The anthracite railroads **hated** to see cars go off line -- so few did (despite railfan mythology about carfloats and the Poughkeepsie Bridge <g>). Most coal was dumped on the NJ side into barges and delivered around NY Harbor points -- some reloaded into rail cars on the NY/LI side. We know that there were exceptions -- Burns Bros., for example had contracts with DL&W Coal for rail delivery both on the LIRR and South Brooklyn Railway.

The other thing to remember is that a substantial amount of anthracite was delivered in boxcars - both loose and in bags. Companies like Ottumwa even sold automatic boxcar coal loaders and dumpers -- so pre WWII photos of coal yards might very well show boxcars being delivered.

Not everyone had room for a big coal bin in the cellar, and others could not afford to buy tons of coal at a time. One could purchase a 50-LB bag of coal at most corner grocers, or even have bags delivered.

In short -- you're not just looking at hoppers when you're looking at domestic coal.

Most of this is pretty much antediluvian stuff, as many of us remember the silos from the tail end of the anthracite/coal domestic use era, plus the hospitals of course but have little grasp of what coal -- especially anthracite -- meant to the area. Hope this [now way too long] note helps flesh out the story, and gets some thinking going.  Cheers, Jim Guthrie

img170.jpg (127061 bytes)   
F-M Conveyor Type Locomotive Coaling Stations Data Sheet 
Reprint 1930's F-M Catalog  Info: John McCluskey 

img169.jpg (106872 bytes)
F-M Elevator Head and Hopper Photo Details
Reprint 1930's F-M Catalog  Info: John McCluskey

Request: Searching for a schematic diagram showing the operation of the coal silos that once were all over Long Island.  From my understanding, the coal was dumped from the bottom of the coal hoppers into bins below the track.  From there an bucket escalator device would bring the coal up to the top of the silo structure where it was dumped into the silos. Anyone with a schematic diagram showing this operation, please contact: Coal Research

licitycoaltower07-17-1919.jpg (20375 bytes)
Wheelspur Yard, LI City  07/17/1919
Collection: Dave Morrison

HeffnerPillionSheepsheadbay.JPG (25731 bytes)
Sheepshead Bay 1908
Heffner & Pillion Archive: Jim Guthrie

BurnsBrosAtlanticBranchFountainAve.jpg (103508 bytes)
Burns Bros. Fountain Ave. Brooklyn, NY  Archive: Art Huneke

Ozone-Park_1930_viewN_ freight yard_Dietz-Coal_ArtHuenke.jpg (110117 bytes)
Dietz Coal Ozone Park 1930 view N freight yard  Archive: Art Huneke

Coaling-Tower_LI-City_early-1921_viewW.jpg (77702 bytes)
Wheelspur Yard, LI City 1921 view W

licoal.jpg (11454 bytes)
Long Island Coal Co. 1953
Oyster Bay

MU1694-2carshuttle-W.Hemp.Station1955.jpg (101323 bytes)
 Nassau Mutual Fuel Co. 1955
West Hempstead
Rolf H. Schneider photo, Dave Keller archive

FleerBrosCoal-Hillside-viewE-c.1920s.jpg (56233 bytes)
Fleer Bros Coal Hillside, 
Hoppers Seaboard Coke 
view E c.1920s

MorrisParkCoalTower02101921.jpg (85156 bytes)
Morris Park Coal Tower 2/10/1921 View NW Archive: Art Huneke

lirr508hopperMorrisPark02101921.jpg (100001 bytes)
LIRR #508 hopper Morris Park 2/10/1921 Archive: Art Huneke

MU3-carMail-Express-west undersignalbridgeleavingBabylonStation9-9-50.jpg (85025 bytes)
Dependable Fuel MU3-car Mail Express west under signal bridge leaving Babylon Station 9/19/1950
The train’s lead car is an RPO/REA car. The middle car is a passenger/baggage/RPO car and at the rear is a combine car.
Edward Hermanns photo, Dave Keller archive

syosset-coaltower.jpg (16342 bytes)
Syosset Coal

syosset morrision.jpg (270822 bytes)
Photo : early 1944 
Archive: Dave Morrison

QuogueViewE-mid1950s.jpg (124437 bytes)
T. C. Warren & Co., 
c. mid-1950's Quogue
Photo: LIRR Archive: Jim Gillin 

lirrseaford1957 E.M.PettitFuel.jpg (53790 bytes)
E. M. Pettit Fuel silos at right 1957
Seaford Collection: Dick Pettit

merrick-miltonpettitfuel-c.1957.jpg (31559 bytes)
Milton Pettit Fuel, Sunrise Hwy and Hewlett Ave, late 1940's Merrick 
Collection: Dick Pettit

EagleCoal_glendaleMcEnery.jpg (74829 bytes)
Eagle Coal Glendale
Archive: McEnery


newhydeparkPlazaFuelsiding.jpg (40758 bytes)

newhydeparkrd-PlazaFuel.jpg (40100 bytes)
Plaza Fuel Co. New Hyde Park Rd view NE Archive: Daniel Marra, Sr.

newhydeparkcoal_westboundfreight1951.jpg (31676 bytes)
New Hyde Park Coal & Ice 
view east 1951 Archive: Art Huneke

Mid-Island Fuels - New Hyde Park  7/1939 Archive: Art Huneke

HICKSVILLE MAY 6, 1932 COAL 02.JPG (80733 bytes)
Hicksville Coal 05/06/1932

View SE  Hicksville Coal 05/06/1932
View SW

hicksville1940b_emery.jpg (63304 bytes)
Hicksville Coal Map 1940 Emery

Hicksville Coal 05/06/1932
View west from Jerusalem Ave

nostrandoffice.jpg (64995 bytes)
Wood & Nostrand Inc.
Just east of railroad station on the south side of the tracks
Farmingdale,  c.1920 R. Emery map: Siding installed in 1924. Archive: Dave Keller

islipcandf.jpg (71694 bytes)
Islip Coal & Feed c. 1968 view SE
Photo: Steve Lynch  

nostrandcoal.jpg (62651 bytes)
Now a parking lot, this coal receiving station was located just north of the railroad station. The coal was used to fuel the state university power plant. Farmingdale

Archive: Farmingdale Bethpage Historical Society, LI Digital Book Project, Farmingdale Public Library

Starlight Fuel Company Lexington Ave Schneider Lane, Bethpage Archive: Bob & Coleen Albertson

Nassau Mutual Fuel Corp. 
West Hempstead, NY – c. 1955
W. J. Edwards photo, Dave Keller archive

LIRR-valuation_Hewlett-Ave-Merrick_5-25-26_viewE_Richard-Fetherstone-Coal-siding_.jpg (117638 bytes)
LIRR valuation Hewlett Ave, Merrick view E 5/25/56 Richard Fetherstone Coal siding

coal1945loads.gif (9453 bytes)
LIRR Coal Loads Received 1945

1945coalbyroad.gif (16744 bytes)
LIRR Coal Loads Received by Road 1945

wood-vrooman-coal_wood_c.1900_HansHenke.jpg (48478 bytes) 
Wood & Vrooman Coal c.1900 Patchogue Archive: Hans Henke

G5s-47-MPShops-3-31-40conveyorcoalingtower.jpg (60752 bytes)
Morris Park Shops 3/31/1940 Conveyor to wooden coaling tower in background
Archive: Dave Keller

Patchogue-CoalingRamp-Weeks-Fuel-Bldgs-WestAve-5-43.jpg (49341 bytes)
Weeks Fuel Bldgs and coaling ramp
 West Ave 05/1943
Fred Weber photo, Dave Morrison collection, Dave Keller archive  

Patchogue-LocoCoalingFacilities-5-43.jpg (178116 bytes)
Loco Coaling Facilities and coaling ramp for Week’s Fuel  05/1943
Fred Weber photo, Dave Morrison collection, Dave Keller archive

weekscoalse.jpg (66843 bytes)
Week's Coal Patchogue View NE 
c. 1904
weekscoal.jpg (38239 bytes)
Week's Coal Patchogue View SW
c. 1904
Patchogue-CoalingRamp-1954.jpg (60458 bytes)
Week's Coal Ramp 1954 Patchogue
Archive: Dave Keller

Patchogue-UnderwoodCoal-Coke-10-43.jpg (204825 bytes)

Underwood Coal & Coke 10/1943
Fred Weber photo, Dave Morrison collection, Dave Keller archive

LIRR Coal Operations Remains 

stalbanscoaltrestle.jpg (78099 bytes)
St. Albans Coal Trestle 2007

Wilton Wood Coal Lumber.jpg (56742 bytes)
Huntington: W. Wilton Wood  Lumber & Coal   Photo: Steve Rothaug 10/2007

1958 R. Emery map Sayville MP49-50 Archive: Dave Keller
sayvillecoalpiers2007.jpg (57986 bytes)
Sayville: C. W. Aldrich Coal Yard Trestle Piers 2007 
Info: 1958 R. Emery map, Archive: Dave Keller
ex-aldrichcoalyardsayvilleviewnorth02-17-08mikemcdermet.jpg (116181 bytes)
Ex-C. W. Aldrich Coal Yard Sayville
view N 02/1708 Photo: Mike McDermet
ex-aldrichcoalyardsayvilleviewsouth02-17-08mikemcdermet.jpg (116171 bytes)
Ex-C. W. Aldrich Coal Yard Sayville
view S 02/1708 Photo: Mike McDermet
Sea CliffMP26-MP27Emery6-58.jpg (120283 bytes)
1958 R. Emery map Sea Cliff  MP29-27 Archive: Dave Keller
seacliffC&L013.jpg (69551 bytes)
Sea Cliff Coal & Lumber Shed located  west of the crossing and south of OBY Track 2, 04/08/2008 
Photo: Joseph Vila
seacliffC&L 014.jpg (57148 bytes)
Sea Cliff Coal & Lumber East of the crossing just before the H-L platform 04/08/2008 Photo: Joseph Vila
seacliff 018.jpg (72759 bytes)
Sea Cliff Coal & Lumber View West towards Sea Cliff Ave Station south of OBY Track 2.
04/08/08 Photo: Joseph Vila
CoalPlantGrumman-Calverton09102011NeilFeldman.jpg (41616 bytes)
View NE of  the ex-siding in front of Grumman Aviation Co. Peconic River Plant. Grumman at MP67-68 Photo: Neil Feldman

Moving Coal by Prayer by Mark Smith (Retired LIRR Locomotive Engineer) 

"...The L.I.R.R. was not a big coal hauler as to operating unit coal trains as many large roads did.  We did haul a lot of coal in lots to three state hospitals by local freight jobs that worked the lines the hospitals were located on.  We did not have heavy, long grades but many places did have short, steep grades requiring careful handling to get over the road. These coal docks were all up on trestle where cars could be unloaded by opening the hoppers.  One dock at Kings Park was at the bottom of a steep grade and was a scary move for all concerned every time it was switched...."

East NY Industrial Park serviced by the Bay Ridge Line 

eastnewyork.gif (15726 bytes)

Covering the area south of the East New York station, and proceeding to where the Bay Ridge branch hooks a sharp turn to the west at New Lots, going as far south (west) as the east side of Rockaway Ave. we have the following coal customers from 1958 and earlier, back into the 1920s:  Info: Dave Keller 

(In no special order) 

Rubel Coal Co.(having moved from 2 prior locations in the same area) 
Thatford & Ackerman Coal 
Security Coal Co. 
Holland Steel Co. 
Burns Bros. Coal

Switching the Coal at Island Park by JJ Earl
"...the coal train used the trailing point cross over east of Long Beach Road to shove across into "The Light"

Loads would be placed in the empty tracks and empty cars gathered up and pulled out onto #2 main.

The engines uncoupled and were reversed at LEAD to come back west on #1, over the cross over and pull back west onto #1 stopping for a member of the crew to throw these hand thrown switches back to their rightful position.

All main line crossovers had/have what is called a locking bar halfway between the switches with a lever that, when thrown over, moves a rod that connects to a locking device in each switch that will not allow it to be thrown unless this security device itself is thrown.

Emery Map 9/58 MP 20-22 Click on image to enlarge

LIRR 1950 Freight Car Loads  Prototype Info for Modeling

  Originated on Road   
Commodity Car Type Carloads Tonnage


Potatoes boxcar 1,584 34,086 23.64% 82
Lumber, shingles & lath boxcar 218 6,354 3.25%
Flour, wheat boxcar 24 709 0.36%
Canned food products boxcar 3,818 52,212 56.98%
Hard Coal hopper 4 321 0.06% 0
Soft Coal hopper 1 75 0.01%
Cement, Nat or Portland covered hop 7 267 0.10% 1
Mfd. Iron and steel gondola 675 19,062 10.07% 10
Fresh meats reefer 1 11 0.01% 1
Fuel, road & pet. resid oils tank 369 12,326 5.51% 6
Mill products flatcar     0.00% 0
Totals 6,701 125,423 100% 100
  Received from Connections  
Commodity Car Type Carloads Tonnage % Cars/100
Potatoes boxcar 3,642 76,274 4.2% 38
Lumber, shingles & lath boxcar 22,135 620,629 25.3%
Flour, wheat boxcar 3,906 136,489 4.5%
Canned food products boxcar 4,568 114,708 5.2%
Hard Coal hopper 18,608 1,080,223 21.3% 29
Soft Coal hopper 6,376 369,447 7.3%
Cement, Nat or Portland covered hop 13,408 586,127 15.3%


Mfd. Iron and steel gondola 6022 207,156 6.9% 7
Fresh meats reefer 8,006 96,087 9.2% 9
Fuel, road & pet. resid oils tank 42 1,216 0.0% 1
Mill products flatcar 739 22,567 0.8% 1
  Totals 87,452 3,310,923 100% 100
*The tonnage/carload data from 1951 Moody's Investor Guidebook  % information, car type, and cars/100 added by Steven Lynch

LIRR 1950 Freight Car Loads Modeling Info
Based on ave. 1947 LIRR train length 21.3 cars

  Car Type Shipped  Received
Potatoes boxcar 12 7


Lumber, shingles & lath "
Flour, wheat "
Canned food products "
Hard Coal hopper 5
Soft Coal "
Cement, Nat or Portland covered hop 1 3
Mfd. Iron and steel gondola 3 2
Fresh meats reefer 2 2
Fuel, road & pet. resid oils tank 2 1
Mill products flatcar 1 1
  Totals 21 21

LIRR Coal Freight Car Locations

Year Company Name Town  Commodities 
11/23/1901 Heinley Bros. (Charles and John K. Heinley)
John K. Heinley Coal
Amityville Coal
W. D. Radford - Emery map
Scranton & Lehigh Coal Co. 10/28/1927

Scranton & Lehigh Coal Co - View E 12/12/1929
Photo: LIRR Valuation  Archive: Dave Keller

Emery map - Auburndale MP9-10 1928
Feed, Coal
S. Coleman Coal & Wood - Hyde map
F. E. Saxton Coal & Wood - Sanborn map
Mrs. Martha Sayre Coal & Wood - Hyde map
Babylon Fuel & Supply Co. - Emery map
Dependable Fuel - Sanborn mapMU3-carMail-Express-west undersignalbridgeleavingBabylonStation9-9-50.jpg (85025 bytes)

1902 Hyde map
Babylon  Emery MP35-36 1958
Coal, Wood
Coal, Wood
Coal, Wood
Coal, Fuel
Coal, Fuel Oil


1902 F. Bunce Coal & Lumber Yard - Hyde map Babylon Coal, Lumber
1929 Knickerbocker Ice & Coal Co. - Sanborn map
Cooper St. .c.1964 - view NW

View W- 7/27/1971

Babylon Coal Operations:
Mary Cascone, Town Historian
Town of Babylon, Office of Historic Services


Knickerbocker Ice & Coal Co. - Sanborn 1929

Babylon  Emery MP36-37 1958
Coal, Ice
Charles Heinley - South Side Signal
W. F. Heinley - Emery
Babylon Coal
1924 Harwein Feed & Coal Co. - Emery Babylon Coal, Feed
6/1919 Hawley Coal Co. 
Bayside_LIRR-valuation-photo_viewW_1-25-30_DaveKeller.jpg (98742 bytes)
View W 1/25/30Freight House-Team Yard-Bayside-View E from Bell Blvd - 11-27-35 (LIRR Val-Keller).jpg (123398 bytes)
View E from Bell Blvd 11/27/35
Bayside Coal
Hocker Coal Co.
Frank Bros. Coal Co.
Bay Shore
1925? F. E. Summers Bay Shore Coal, Lumber
<c.1925 N.C. Smith Coal, Wood, & Feed Bay Shore Coal, Feed, Wood


Weeks Coal Yard Bay Shore
bayshore1902.jpg (55028 bytes)


J. L. Abrew Coal & Feed 
Suffolk Fuel
Bay Shore
bayshoremap.gif (16130 bytes)

mp39-40bayshore.jpg (225595 bytes)
Coal, Feed
Coal, Fuel Oil


Queens Bellaire Coal Co.Bellaire-Coaling Silos-1956.jpg (115746 bytes) Bellaire
Emery-Map-Bellaire-07-1958MP12 -13.jpg (296737 bytes)
Emery map MP12-13  07/1958
1944 Starlight Fuel CompanyBethpage-Starlight-Fuel-Co-zoom_10-01-1944_Weber-Morrison.jpg (102368 bytes)
Zoom 10/01/1944 (Weber-Morrison)


Grumman Plant N side #3 coal run Bethpage Coal
1966 Pilgrim State Hospital Trestle Brentwood  Coal
c.1968 Burns Bros Coal Brooklyn
BurnsBrosAtlanticBranchFountainAve.jpg (103508 bytes) 
Atlantic Branch Fountain Ave. 
c.1930 Luzerne Coal. Co.
( previously Commonwealth Fuel Co., later Rubel Corp.
LuzerneCoalBrooklynNY.jpg (111862 bytes)
Atlantic Branch 


S&S Corrugated Paper Mfg. Co. Bushwick Junction
bushwick1_11-1958.jpg (294666 bytes)


Grumman Aviation Co. 
Peconic River Plant.
CoalPlantGrumman-Calverton09102011NeilFeldman.jpg (41616 bytes)
1966 Central Islip State Hospital coal Central Islip Coal
Corona Fuel & Supply Co.
Out of rail service c.1950, per Emery
Corona-Fuel_viewNW-zoom_12-1930 (LIRR Valuation-Keller).jpg (58962 bytes)
Corona Fuel & Supply Co. 12/1930
Coal, Supplies
J. J. Burke Coal Co.
Anchor Coal Co.
Anchor-Coal-Co_Corona_viewSW-1979-Braun.jpg (29321 bytes)
Anchor Coal Co.  view SW 1979
1926 Frank R. Smith Coal Co. Creedmoor Coal
1966 Edgewood State Hospital Deer Park Coal
1958 Percy Schenck Coal Yard - Emery East Hampton Coal
1958 Easthampton Lumber & Coal Co. - Emery East Hampton Coal
1966 Shinnecock Coal - LIRR map East Hampton Coal
Atlantic-Logan Coal Co.
Rubel Coal & Ice Co.
Diana Coal & Fuel Oil Co.
East New York
Diana Coal & Fuel Oil  View SE 5/1994
Photo/Archive: James Mardiguian
Coal, Ice
Coal, Fuel Oil


Sunrise Coal

Sunrise Coal in background. DD1s double heading Extra train -White Flags approaching  Belmont Park Station c. 1937 
Archive: Dave Keller

Elmont_Sunrise-Coal_DD1-Dbl-Hdg-Train-White Flags-Approaching Sta-Belmont Park-c. 1937_zoom_Keller.jpg (350476 bytes)
<1930 P. H. Dietz Coal Co Evergreen (Fremont, Fresh Pond)

P. H. Dietz Coal Co. - View S from FN Tower c.1930 Archive: Art Huneke
dietzcoalFPond.jpg (115576 bytes)
1966 East Coast Trestle Farmingdale Coal
<1954 LILCO Far Rockaway
Emery-Map-Far-Rockaway-1942-1957.jpg (327728 bytes)
Hommel Mercantile Co. 
Vulcan Fuel Co.


Floral Park
Vulcan-Coal_Floral-Park_viewNW_2016.jpg (113366 bytes)
View NW 2016 Photo: Dave Morrison
1927 Commonwealth Fuel Co. Flushing River, FlushingCommenwealth-Fuel-Co._Flushing River-Flushing (View S) - 04-08-1927 (Sperr-Keller).jpg (107541 bytes)
View S 4/08/1927 (Sperr-Keller)
1966 Eagle Coal Fresh Pond, Glendale/Woodhaven
EagleCoal_glendaleMcEnery.jpg (74829 bytes)
1958 Mitchel Field (USAF) Garden City
centralextensionMP20USAFXing-MitchelField.jpg (336541 bytes)
1966 Nigro Coal Co. Glen Cove Coal


1903 CR4 C. W. Bell Trestle
1913 CR4 C. W. Bell Yard
Scranton & Lehigh Coal Co.
Patterson Fuel Oil Co.
Glen Head
Glen-Head-Station_Patterson-Fuel-Oil-Co_viewNW-1961_cars.jpg (113139 bytes)
Patterson Fuel Oil Co. view NW  1961
Coal, petrol prod
Burt & Payne Coal Yard - Sanborn 1928
Burt Coal Company - Emery map 1957,  LIRR map 1966
Fuel Oil
c.1950 Griffen and Rushmore Coal Hicksville
lirr108_freight-East-Nicholai-St_Hicksville_viewN.jpg (52212 bytes)
E. Nicholai St., Hicksville view N
1932 Nassau Feed & Coal Co.  Hicksville
HICKSVILLE MAY 6, 1932 COAL 02.JPG (80733 bytes)
Feed, Coal
c.1920s Fleer Bros. Fuel Service
Koppers Seaboard Coke 
FleerBrosCoal-Hillside-viewE-c.1920s.jpg (56233 bytes)
Coal, coke
12/03/50 Henry G. Fleer Bros. Fuel Service ALCO S1_westbound-approaching Jamaica at Fleer Bros Coal-Hillside._12-3-1950.jpg (72754 bytes)
ALCO S1 westbound approaching Jamaica at Fleer Bros Coal - Hillside
9/1937 Burns Bros. 
Koppers Seaboard Coke 
G5s-31-Train 631-West Thru Hillside-View NE-09-02-37 burns Bros (Votava-Keller).jpg (85616 bytes)
G5s #31 Train #631 westbound Hillside view NE 9/02/37  (Votava-Keller)
9/1937 Henjes CoalG5s-27-Train 635-West-Hillside-Holban Yard-View SE-09-02-37 (Votava-Keller).jpg (75741 bytes) G5s-27-Train 635-West-Hillside-Holban Yard-View_Henjes-Coal_ SE-09-02-37 (Votava-Keller).jpg (88290 bytes)
G5s #27 Train #635 westbound Hillside Holban Yard view SE Henjes Coal 9/02/37 
1966 Nassau Suffolk Fuel Huntington
emeryHuntingtonMP34-35.jpg (318710 bytes)
Coal, petrol prod
1966 W. Wilton Wood  Lumber & Coal
Wilton Wood Huntington.jpg (62434 bytes)
Photo: Steve Rothaug 10/07
Huntington1966.jpg (163729 bytes)
Coal, lumber
1958 LILCO Island Park Coal


Islip Coal & Feed
islipcandf.jpg (71694 bytes)
mp42-43islip.jpg (110816 bytes)


Sunrise Coal Jamaica Freight FacilitiesJamaicaFreight19.jpg (152613 bytes) Coal
1966 State Hospital (coal trestle) Kings Park Coal
1924 Dittmann Bros. 
Lindenhurst Coal Co.
Lindenhurst-Coal-Fuel_zoom_ViewNE_8-1958_SUNY-Emery.JPG (27177 bytes)
Emery-Lindenhurst_MP33-34_8-58.jpg (445980 bytes)
Coal, Fuel
Dependable Coal
Sunrise Blue Coal

Lynbrook freight house and house track view east.  Dependable Coal in background.
c. 1930 Archive: Dave Keller

lynbrookMP17-MP18.jpg (271117 bytes)
1966 Massapequa Fuel Co. Massapequa Coal, petrol prod
1966 Island Coal & Lumber Co. Medford Coal, lumber
1924 Richard Fetherstone Coal  Merrick
LIRR-valuation_Hewlett-Ave-Merrick_5-25-26_viewE_Richard-Fetherstone-Coal-siding_.jpg (117638 bytes)
LIRR valuation Hewlett Ave, Merrick view E 5/25/26 
late '40's Milton Pettit Fuel Co. Merrick
merrick-miltonpettitfuel-c.1957.jpg (31559 bytes)


Burns Bros. Co. - East 2nd St.


Mineola Hempstead-Timetable-Ad_Birdsall-Coal-Co._5-1942.jpg (102155 bytes)
Birdsall Coal Co. Ad 5/1942
Coal, Fuel Oil, Mason 


Sunrise Coal Co. Sunrise-Coal-Co_East-2nd-St-Mineola.jpg (101463 bytes)
Sunrise Coal Co. c.19
1966 Mineola Coal Mineola  Coal
1966 Windsor Fuel Mineola  Coal, petrol prod
1921 Morris Park Shops Morris Park
MorrisParkCoalTower02101921.jpg (85156 bytes)
1955 Plaza Fuel Co. map spot #10 6/1955 
newhydeparkrd-PlazaFuel.jpg (40100 bytes)
New Hyde Park  MP16-17
Emery-Map-NewHydeParkMP16-MP17.jpg (333865 bytes)
 Emery map 1958
Coal, petrol prod
1939 Royal Petroleum Co. Map spot #14?
newhydeparkPlazaFuelsiding.jpg (40758 bytes)
View east of New Hyde Park Rd. 7/1939
1958 Mid-Island Coal - Map spot #2
7/1939 Archive: Art Huneke

Mid-Island Fuels, Inc.
3/16/1972 zoom (Votava-Boland)

Coal, petrol prod
1953 New Hyde Park Coal & IceCovertAve07-1940viewW_NHPCoal&Ice.jpg (43864 bytes)
7/1940 Covert Ave. view west -water tower under construction Archive: Art Huneke
New Hyde Park MP15-16
Emery-Map-Floral Park-NewHydeParkMP15-MP16.jpg (222042 bytes)
 Emery map 1943
Coal, Ice prod
newhydeparkcoal_westboundfreight1951.jpg (31676 bytes)
view east 1951 Archive: Art Huneke




Creedmoor State Hospital  North Queens Village
creedmoor7-58cont.jpg (206221 bytes)
1930 P.H. Dietz Coal Co. Ozone-Park_1930_viewN_ freight yard_Dietz-Coal_ArtHuenke.jpg (110117 bytes) Ozone Park Coal


Long Island Coal Co.
Oyster-Bay_LI_Coal-Co._1940_Huenke.jpg (49218 bytes)
LI Coal Co. view E c.1940 
Archive: Huenke
lirr1551_Oyster-Bay_viewS_9-1964.jpg (59048 bytes)
RS-3 #1551 view S 9/1964
Oyster Bay
ob1928depot.jpg (176806 bytes)


Patchogue Electric Co. (PELCO)P54D-93-PELCO-Plant-Patchogue-1954.jpg (39499 bytes) Patchogue
 mpP53-53 1958.jpg (161639 bytes)
1943 Underwood Coal & Cokepatchogue-underwoodcoal-riverave1943.jpg (27866 bytes) Patchogue River Ave view S 1943

Patchogue-UnderwoodCoal-Coke-10-43.jpg (204825 bytes) View W

Coal, Coke
<1920 Swezey  Patchogue Coal, Feed
<1920 Patchogue Lace Mill Patchogue Coal, textile materials
<1920 Weeks  Patchogue Coal, Wood
c.1900 Wood & Vrooman Coalwood-vrooman-coal_wood_c.1900_HansHenke.jpg (48478 bytes) Patchogue Coal
1966 Anchor Coal prior Deitz Coal Co. Queens Village Coal
c.1955 T. C. Warren & Co.
QuogueViewE-mid1950s.jpg (124437 bytes)
Quogue Coal
Moses R. Cornwell CoalRVCMosesRCornwellCoal .jpg (69917 bytes)
Archive: Art Huneke
Rockville Centre

Freight house is looking due west.  The track behind the freight house is an 18 car team track and branching off of it is a 4 car siding to service the Moses R. Cornwell Coal elevator and silo. Info Dave Keller 

Municipal Elec. Light & Power Co.
RVCMunicipalElecLightPowerCo.jpg (101027 bytes)
Archive: Art Huneke

View due east and at the left is an 18 car siding, with 13 cars west of the Morris Ave. crossing and 5 cars east of it to service the RVC Municipal Elec. Light & Power Co., stubbing out just past the structure. 

Although rearranged after the grade elimination, the siding into the power plant was still utilized, however it was accessed by switch at the previously stubbed out east end and then headed west, stubbing on the east side of Park Avenue . Info Dave Keller

1924 Sunrise Coal Co.

REA trucks at Express House - Sunrise Coal Co.,  Rockville Centre - View W 1959

Emery map MP18-zoom Sunrise Coal, Rockville Centre 8/958 Archive: Dave Keller

1958 C. W. Aldrich Coal Yard Sayville Coal
1911 August Ganzenmuller Co. Sea Cliff Coal, lumber
1958 Sea Cliff Coal & Lumber Sea Cliff
Sea CliffMP26-MP27Emery6-58.jpg (120283 bytes)
Coal, lumber
1957 E. M. Pettit Fuel  Seaford
lirrseaford1957 E.M.PettitFuel.jpg (53790 bytes)



Heffner & Pillion

Kenney Coal Co. later
Knickerbocker Ice Co.

Sheepshead Bay
HeffnerPillionSheepsheadbay.JPG (25731 bytes)
1908 Archive: Jim Guthrie
The siding was located 14.92 miles from LI City.
1955 Southampton Coal & Produce Co. Southampton

View N  c.1955 Archive: Sheppard Webb
Produce, Coal
1944 Syosset Coal Syosset
syosset morrision.jpg (270822 bytes)
John Young's Syosset Coal- View E Photo: Fred Weber Archive: Dave Morrison
1957 E. M. Pettit Fuel Syosset
lirrseaford1957 E.M.PettitFuel.jpg (53790 bytes)
E. M. Pettit Fuel silos at right 1957


Valley Stream Coal & Supply Co. (4/1928)
Scranton & Lehigh Coal Co.
Dickel Inc. -  razed  12/05/1966
Valley StreamDickel Inc. Coal_Valley-Stream.jpg (86320 bytes)
Archive: Valley Stream Historical Society
Coal, Coke
Coal, Coke
Coal, Coke, Fuel Oil
Harry M. Rusch CR4 listed 1913, 1919
Nassau Coal Co. CR4 listed 1924

Note: CR4s are LIRR List Of Stations and Sidings

Valley Stream

 Emery map 1929  Archive: Dave Keller
Hay, Feed, Coal, Hardware
Hay, Feed, Coal, Hardware
1966 Hicks Westbury Inc. Westbury Coal
1924 Nassau Mutual Fuel Corp.
Note: Originally may have had a previous name
when in the coal business.

MU1694-2carshuttle-W.Hemp.Station1955.jpg (101323 bytes)
MU #1694 on a 2-car shuttle laying up at the old station at West Hempstead in 1955. 

In the background are the old Meadowbrook Bank and the coal silos of Nassau Mutual Fuel Co. Per Robert Emery’s 1959 map of the station area, the silos and Nassau Mutual Fuel Co. were either no longer standing or no longer serviced by the LIRR. 
Rolf H. Schneider photo, Dave Keller archive


West Hempstead

West Hempstead Yard - Nassau Mutual Fuel Co. View N aerial c.1930 Archive: Richard Eikov

MU Train - West Hempstead c.1955

Coal, petrol prod
<1927 Winfield Coal Co. Winfield

Winfield Coal Co. - View W  1927+
Archive: Dave Morrison
Coal, wood, feed
1966 Hewlett Fuel & Supply Woodmere Coal, petrol prod
