Oyster Bay at Night 9/25/1952
Oyster Bay

Panorama c.1900

Oyster Bay Turntable

Oyster Bay page 2 - Model the Prototype
by Steven Lynch

Oyster Bay Museum Station-National Register of Historic Places plaque 6/01/2024

Oyster Bay Module - OBRM
by Gary Farkash
Oyster Bay Station Restoration Project
Oyster Bay Railroad Museum Press Release
Photos: 7/03/2020 Dave Morrison - For further details contact OBRM
PRR-E6s-169-Oyster Bay-07-23-44 (Keller).jpg (72275 bytes)
It's July 23, 1944, and WW II is still underway on two fronts. Wartime consciousness on the home front was very real and railroad photography was highly restricted, even to railroad employees themselves. 
Some images were "illegally" shot but they are hard-to-find and many of the railfans and railroad men who may have attempted to take photos were seriously occupied in serving their country overseas. 
This image of leased PRR class E6s #169 laying up next to LIRR G5s #24 on the old engine house tracks at Oyster Bay is one of these hard-to-find, wartime images. (Dave Keller archive and data)


Oyster Bay Branch Map - I numbered the stations on the branch 1 through 12. I did not include North Roslyn or Bayville stations, 
being those two stations were just flashes in the pan.  Design/Archive: Dave Morrison
Oyster Bay Station 10/1903 Photo: Harold B. Fullerton Collection: Queens Library
Note: The two-stall engine house in the right background. Oyster Bay had a 4-stall engine house, which was removed on 8/4/1929.
This 2-stall structure must've been an earlier one dating from the extending of the branch from Locust Valley to Oyster Bay in 1889. Dave Keller
Emery Maps 1929 -Oyster Bay- Archive: SUNY Stony Brook
Oyster Bay 1929 Emery Map Key

Emery 1940 Oyster Bay Dock

Station Area

Emery 1940 Oyster Bay Coal Silos

lirrobaydocks1892ferry.jpg (236188 bytes)
Passenger Ferry Service from Oyster Bay, NY to Wilson Point, CT. Spring 1892 two daily passenger trains. Eliminated by Winter 1893. LI Railroader Dec. 1953 Archive: RMLI

Oyster Bay Station (map 3) 

  turntable.jpg (28173 bytes)
OB Turntable (map 4)

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Oyster Bay table looking south.

AlcoRS1_461-lirrG5_01-23-55_Obay_600v2.jpg (47343 bytes)
Alco RS1 #461on the turntable
and G5 01/23/1955
Photo: Norman E. Kohl

OBayExpressHouseEmerySW.jpg (83880 bytes)
Express House view SW
R. Emery <1961 Collection: SUNY Stony Brook
Bob Emery's branch notes indicate that the last year for REA service on the OB branch was 1960, so this photo is no later than 1960.

lirr158_Oyster-Bay_Mill-Race_viewS_3-02-13_AndrewCiavarella.jpg (197084 bytes)
LIRR #158 Oyster Bay Mill Race view S 3/02/13 
Photo: Andrew Ciavarella

Oyster Bay Map NMRA bulletin 2/66

Oyster Bay Engine House-D56s - G5s-1926.jpeg (64110 bytes) 
Engine House-D56s - G5s #21 1926
Collection: Dave Keller

tender107_OBay09-06-37.jpg (103193 bytes)Class 80P81 pass tender
water gallon capy: 81,000 coal lbs. capy: 34350 
weight empty: 76700 weight loaded: 178550

Tender #107 assigned to Class H10s 2-8-0 #105  taking on water for filming of Floyd Gibbons' "True Adventure Stories" Oyster Bay Sept 6-7, 1937
Photo: J.P. Sommer Archive: David Keller

Obayturntable04-02-65.jpg (51970 bytes)
Oyster Bay Turntable   04/02/1965 
Photo: Pat Scopelliti

OBaytable1-8-2008_dmorrison.jpg (74603 bytes)
Oyster Bay Turntable   01/08/2008 
Photo: Dave Morrison

Oyster Bay’s Historic Turntable Article
Part I by Walter Karppi from: 
Spring 2001 issue.

Part II by David D Morrison from: 
The FREEHOLDER - Fall 2006 issue. 

Article: "Oyster Bay Railroad Museum Brings Tourists to Oyster Bay"

Enterprise Pilot 19July07.jpg (227728 bytes)
Oyster Bay "Enterprise Pilot" article 07/19/2007
Note: Interesting artist renditions of restored Oyster Bay Station and Turntable

PRR E3sd-3148-LIRR Train-in Yard-Oyster-Bay-1940 (Keller).jpg (85374 bytes)

Pennsylvania Railroad-leased E3sd (4-4-2) #3148 with a full tender of coal basks in the early morning sunshine as it sits coupled to a Long Island Rail Road passenger train in Oyster Bay yard, awaiting it's departure westbound into the station facilities.  The lettering on the passenger cars in this view are all in the "Futura" style which was used by the PRR and the LIRR beginning in 1940.  It is a block lettering / numbering with no serifs.  After a short period of use on passenger cars and locomotive tenders, the roads went back to the Penn Roman  style. The tender in this image still sports the old Penn Roman font.
(Dave Keller archive and data)

OysterBay-Enginehouse-valuation_08-26-1916.jpg (255875 bytes)
Oyster Bay Engine house LIRR valuation 8/26/1916 Archive: Dave Morrison

PRR-leased E3sd (4-4-2) #4176 is laying up at the freight house at Oyster Bay in 1941. 
Standing on the roof, block operator Ted Sommer has aimed his camera westward along
the top of the boiler towards a distant caboose and freight in the yard. Archive: Dave Keller


obtopo.jpg (38987 bytes)
Topographic Map


obwest.jpg (43012 bytes)
Yard Throat looking toward
the station (west). Track running across foreground is cutoff leading to the turntable.
(map 1) Photo: J. Nelsen
obayeast.jpg (40194 bytes)
Oyster Bay Yard looking
east toward turntable.
Cutoff track seen in photo
(left) is in near foreground.
(map 2) Photo: J. Nelsen

ob4-26-53yardse.jpg (25358 bytes)
SE view April '53.
watertankob.jpg (13738 bytes)

Scenes From the Past:
Jakobson Shipyard, Oyster Bay
by Dave Keller

 1941 revised Sanborn -  Jakobson Shipyard

Sta-JakesSwitch-OyBay-1940.jpg (43440 bytes)
Jakobson Switch 1940
T. Sommer photo
D. Keller Collection

ob4-53station.jpg (25282 bytes)
OB Station 1953

1928 Yard Area
Oyster Bay Lumber 1928

Yard-Freight House-Water Tower-Coaling Tower-G5s No. 30-Oyster Bay-c. 1940 (Huneke).JPG (108076 bytes)
Yard-Freight House-Water Tower-Coaling Tower-G5s No. 30-Oyster Bay-c. Long Island Coal Co. 1940 Archive: Art Huneke

licoal.jpg (11454 bytes)
Long Island Coal Co. 1953

Oyster Bay yard LIRR #1553, RDC, LIRR #1552
View E 11/01/1964 (Smith-Morrison)

Oyster Bay Yard in May of 1985, with the C420 #266 freshly painted, and ready to go west long-hood forward. Too bad the turntable was no longer in working condition at the time! View E  Photo/Archive: Jay Bendersky

Oyster Bay hostler at water tank 1/16/1935
Archive: Emery-SUNY Stony Brook

Engine #141 at the water tank 6/19/1938

G5s #28 Oyster Bay yard view E 1951 
Photo: Kohl Archive: SUNY Stony Brook

1950 LIRR P-54 Passenger Car Capacity

obstat4.jpg (49280 bytes)        obstat5.jpg (39614 bytes)       obstat6.jpg (54221 bytes)
 Colonel Teddy Roosevelt leaving Long Island
obstat1.jpg (38250 bytes)       obstat2.jpg (44944 bytes)       obstat3.jpg (28433 bytes)
Post Cards provided by David Morrison

Oyster Bay Station interior 1947 Photo: Neil Scholl  Collection: Bob Myers/Gary Farkash

rooseveltpark.jpg (28749 bytes)
Dedication sign at entrance to
Roosevelt Park

OB dock crane

OysterBay_MillRaceBridge1a_viewSE_5-5-12_A.Ciavarella.jpg (109156 bytes)
Mill Creek Bridge - west of town view SE 05/05/12 Photo: Andy Ciavarella

obrrsign.jpg (60583 bytes)
Railroad sign advising
long trailer load  warning


 8-2-01.jpg (196618 bytes)
Engine #35 on the Move Again

Jakobson's Marine 1/4 Turntable

ObayAlco211Turntable04-02-65.jpg (54632 bytes)

ObayAlco211Turntable04-02-65_2.jpg (57068 bytes) Obayturntable04-02-65-2.jpg (61554 bytes)

Oyster Bay Turntable  Alco C420 #211  04-02-1965 Photos: Pat Scopelliti

1/17/2004 - new information about the Oyster Bay station contributed by Gary Farkash (past president of the Friends of Locomotive 35)

The Oyster Bay Station is actually the original 1889 structure. Dave Morrison and I found this information in the 1889 LIRR Annual Report. We also found a drawing of the station in a book printed for the LIRR back in the late 1880’s.

 In 1902 the original structure was remodeled by the addition of the bathroom section as well as a brick fireplace on the same end.  

The varnished chestnut was painted over in a sea foam green color and the roof reworked. Also, all the gingerbread trim was removed as was the porte cocher. The prominent bay window on the street side was added as well.

The Operator’s Bay on the track side is original to the structure. The original structure bears remarkable similarities to the Newtown Depot (East Elmhurst) which was built the same year.

Compare photos form Ron Ziel’s Stations book and you can clearly see this. We will be doing more research at the NY Public Library on this and on the architect.

H16-44 No.1508 1956

LIRR Donates Historic Train Station to Town

Long Island Rail Road president James Dermody Friday donated the 1889 Oyster Bay station to the town as part of the process of creating a railroad museum by 2008.

As the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum, the depot -- owned by the LIRR since it was built -- will be restored to the way it looked in 1902 when it was renovated when local resident Theodore Roosevelt was president. The Town of Oyster Bay now owns the building and immediate surroundings, but it will be managed by the restoration committee of the Oyster Bay Historical Society.

David Morrison of Plainview, the committee chairman, said white paint was stripped from the exterior bricks, wood trim was restored and painted the original Essex green, and copper leaders and gutters installed. Inside, they removed the partitions and second floor that were added in later years.

"We want to restore it to the beautiful cathedral ceiling appearance it once had," Morrison said. The museum will encompass the depot, the turntable that reversed steam locomotives and Locomotive No. 35, the LIRR steam engine that is slowly being restored by the same volunteers who have been working on the station.
Copyright (c) 2005, Newsday, Inc.

lirr600-601-609_oBay06-10-78McEneryarchive.jpg (101212 bytes)
FA-2 #600, #601, #609 06/10/78 
Archive: McEnery

OBayc.1954JamesJKelly.jpg (129894 bytes)
LIRR #50 c.1954 Photo: James J. Kelly

It's 1950 and a time of transition.  ALCO RS1 #469 in the Tichy color scheme has just come off the turntable and is passing the old water tank in the Oyster Bay yard. Visible under the water plug are G5s #s 21 and 24.  These two locomotives will remain in service until the end of steam on the LIRR in October, 1955 when they'll be sent to the scrapper. Archive: Dave Keller

Obay09-17-39schedule.jpg (65926 bytes)
Oyster Bay Schedule 09-17-39

G5sOysterBaylirr46,34,35,23_1947EdWittekind.jpg (58557 bytes)
G5s Oyster Bay LIRR #46 #34 #35 #23
1947 Photo: Ed Wittekind

oldfreighthouseOBay1964.jpg (19784 bytes)
The old brick building is the old freight house at Oyster Bay in 1964. Info: Dave Keller

FAsOysterBay73_003b.jpg (43684 bytes)
Summer of 1972 Photo: Richard Glueck

Station-Oyster-Bay-1965.jpg (48626 bytes)
Oyster Bay Station view W 1965
Archive: Dave Keller

Oyster-Bay-Station_9-66_Sturm-Fehn.jpg (77630 bytes)
Oyster Bay Station view E 9/1966

Oyster Bay Station view E 1972
Photo/Archive: Richard Glueck

Crew-Shanty-Yard-LIRR-Truck-Oyster-Bay-1965.jpg (46156 bytes)
Yard Crew Shanty 1965 ex-Bunkhouse location
Archive: Dave Keller

A bunkhouse in 1941 would have been either brick or wood.  Not cement block.  

This, however, is a newer structure, possibly 1950s-style architecture, replacing the 1941 structure indicated on Emery’s map. But the location is most definitely the same.  

Emery 1958 Map note #9 is former water tower. Note the old, yellowed concrete slab to the left of the 1965 bunkhouse shot?  That is probably a remnant of the concrete foundation for the water tower.  Info: Dave Keller 

Emery map Oyster Bay MP32-33
7/1958  Archive: Dave Keller

OBayyard58.jpg (239406 bytes)
Emery map Oyster Bay Yard  MP33-33.30
7/1958 Archive: Dave Keller

#9 Water Tower 1941-1956 
#10 Bunk House New 1941
#11 Pump House 1941-1956

OysterBay-JoeTestagrose 11-09-1969.jpg (57302 bytes)
LIRR #228 LIST fan trip Oyster Bay 11/09/1969
Photo/Archive: Joe Testagrose 

The fan trip would be 1970 or, perhaps, a year earlier, as the equipment began to appear on the property in 1968-69 and the B&O closed observation “Nappannee” (which was traded for the LIRR’s BUDD RDC2 #3121) was repainted and renamed by 1971. Info: Dave Keller



Jakobson Shipyard view SW 1972
Photo/Archive: Richard Glueck
lirr602FA2_lirr610FA1_03-01-81ObayTAD.jpg (73291 bytes)
FA-2 #602 and FA-1 #610 03-01-81
Photo: Tim Darnell

The turntable restoration now at the Oyster Bay Railroad Museum’s yard. 07/27/2008 Photo: JJ Earl
OBay_GP38-2_no.260_viewSW_11-16-99_BillSkeats.jpg (39947 bytes)
LIRR #260 view SW Teddy Roosevelt Park 11/16/1999 
Photo: William Skeats
LIRR #225 and trio FA units Oyster Bay 11/1976  Photo: Tim Darnell

Oyster Bay Enterprise Pilot: Oyster Bay Station Centennial 10/10/2002 - James Foote as Theodore Roosevelt Archive: Dave Morrison

Oyster Bay Yard  - View E 10/14/2007
LIRR-OysterBayYard-080110AlCastelli.jpg (125063 bytes)
View E 8/01/2010 Photo: Al Castelli
OBayWest10-11-10JonLebowitz.JPG (168025 bytes)
View W 10/11/2010 Photo: Jon Lebowitz

LIRR MP15ACs #172 - FA #604 Oyster Bay
2/1984 Photo/Archive: Bill Mangahas

Oyster Bay Yard access - View N 7/03/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison

Oyster Bay Yard access - View E 7/03/2020
Photo/Archive: Dave Morrison
Oyster Bay Herald  7/08/2022

Joe Wiegand now plays the role that James Foote used to play as Theodore Roosevelt (October 27, 1858 – January 6, 1919) 26th President of the United States - 7/03/2022 Photos/Archive: Dave Morrison

LIRR C420 #255 running cab forward has just departed the "origin" station on the Oyster Bay Branch after running around the train.
Note the generator car supplying the HEP. View NE in winter 1978 just west of the old depot where the high level platforms are today.
The parking lot is to the right and west end Ave crossing is behind me here.
Photo/Archive: Paul De Luca
