K4s-5406-Trn4229-B-Twr-Bethpage-5-11-47.jpg (46453 bytes)
K4s #5406 and Sunday-only train #4229 westbound past "B" tower  Bethpage Jct. 5/11/47 
 (G. E. Votava photo)  
(Note white-painted smokebox!)

Dave Keller's 
Long Island Rail Road Photos & Recollections

An engineer receiving his train orders at DIVIDE tower, Hicksville 1955 view W    "TRAIN ORDERS"   

Dave Keller at the controls of #1835 of the Florida Railroad Museum running between Parrish, FL and Willow, FL

Close up of locomotive #33 clearly showing her number plate and fireman "momentarily" seated in his cab seat.  He should be up and shoveling coal very shortly. G5s-33-Train-4613-Cold Spring Harbor-2-2-47-closeup.jpg (84357 bytes)
Photo: Ed Hermanns, Archive: Dave Keller

G5s-33-Train-4613-Cold Spring Harbor-2-2-47.jpg (68800 bytes)
G5s #33 is pulling 9-car train #4613 westbound from Port Jefferson on Cold Spring Hill, through Cold Spring Harbor, NY on this cool February day in 1947.
   Photo: Ed Hermanns, Archive: Dave Keller

G5s-43-Train-4223-Snow-Mineola-12-28-48.jpg (48732 bytes)
G5s #43 with snow-encrusted number plate is pulling train #4223 westbound from Ronkonkoma through the snow near Mineola during the late afternoon of December 28, 1948.  Notice the absence of the small snowplow covering which was affixed over the lattice pilot during the winter months!  At the left on the siding are a couple of Swift's reefers. 
Photo: Ed Hermanns, Archive: Dave Keller

Mission Statement: To provide historical Long Island Rail Road photos, data, maps and anecdotes to interested parties and to keep this information alive and fresh for future generations of LIRR rail enthusiasts and historians. Dave Keller

FM-C-LinerOrdersPortJeffbranchDivideHicksville12-5-54.jpg (57686 bytes)
 Norman Kohl photo, Dave Keller archive

FM C-liner eastbound on Port Jefferson branch getting orders (or attempting to, at least) at "DIVIDE" tower, Hicksville, NY  12/5/54. I wonder why the block operator wasn't using the steps behind him instead of making the engineer practically fall out of the cab window! I also wonder if the engineer caught them! Doesn't look like he's going to make contact. Hope his conductor was more successful in grabbing his set!  

LIRR-PN 980 with Greenport Shuttle-Ronkonkoma-11-26-76.jpg (28392 bytes)
William Madden photo, Dave Keller Archive

 Leased Precision National GP10 locomotive #980 is coupled to the one-car Greenport Shuttle and is laying up eastbound in front of the crew shanty in Ronkonkoma yard on Friday, November 26, 1976. This shuttle would run between Ronkonkoma and Greenport as eastbound train #202 and westbound train #211 on weekdays only. Judging by the lighting, #211 has just made its return trip from Greenport and is laying up in the yard until ready to go back east again on Monday morning. At times, this one-car shuttle would lay up on the wye tail north of the main yard. Some years later, this train would have added cars and be run as a push-pull shuttle with an ALCO FA control cab on one end and an MP15ac powered unit on the other.

C44_H10s107Frt-MtOlivet-c1937.jpeg (74568 bytes)
LIRR H10s #107 at Mt. Olivet c.1937 
Photo: John Reschke, Archive: Dave Keller

DM30AC-511-Train-East-Pinelawn-10-2009_(Povall-Keller).jpg (184130 bytes)
DM30AC #511 pulls a train of bi-level cars eastbound through Pinelawn, NY on a beautifully Autumnal day in October, 2009. Pinelawn station is visible in the left background. (George Povall photo, Dave Keller archive)

LIRR Website Links 

OfficialRenamingFlatbushAvenueTerminal- 03-04-10.jpg (138160 bytes)



PHOTO LISTINGs PAGE Updated: 01/10/2025

G5s-Train-East-Union-Hall-St-Jamaica-1952.jpg (67903 bytes)
G5s (4-6-0) numbered in the 20’s-series pulls a string of 11 cars eastbound in the Summer’s early evening light in 1952 through Union Hall Street station, Jamaica.  Notice the old Pennsy keystone-style station sign still in place on the station’s covered platforms and in the far distance can be seen the overhead concourse at Jamaica station, accessing the various platforms.  
W. J. Broschart photo, Dave Keller archive

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 Dave Keller - Photos
7256 Hiawassee Oak Drive
Orlando, FL 32818-8360

C420-217-Parlor-Train-Montauk-Br-Viaduct-Hillside-6-66.jpg (125418 bytes)
LIRR C420 #217 pulls a train of heavyweight parlor cars westbound on the Montauk branch viaduct above Hillside station in June, 1966.  The late afternoon sun casts long shadows.   Dave Keller Archive

PHOTOS: Over 10,000 negatives covering the LIRR (steam, diesel and electric), Stations, MOW and misc., BEDT, Staten Island Rapid Transit, Hudson & Manhattan,  N.Y. Westchester and Boston, New York City Street Railways, and New York City Elevated Railways. Please contact Dave Keller for latest updated photo listings.  

Station-IS-Tower-Hollis-7-1-36.jpg (183802 bytes)

Looking northwest on 7/1/36, we see the depot, high-level concrete platforms and “IS” tower at Hollis , NY . The building at the right is the section shanty. Visible in the center of the tracks are the crossover switches to allow trains to enter and leave Holban Yard which is located just west of the station and to the left out of the range of the photo.  A year later the tower would be renamed “HOLLIS.”  Photo from the Archive of Dave Keller  

PRR-E3sd-3154-3-car train-Oyster-Bay-3-1-36.jpg (68703 bytes)

Leased Pennsylvania Railroad E3sd (4-4-2) #3154 has left the old covered platforms at the Oyster Bay station and is heading westbound under a full head of steam on this cold March morning in 1936.  The 3-car train is #4523 and ran to Jamaica on Sundays only.  
George Votava photo, Dave Keller archive.

MU-West-Locust-Manor-Jamaica-Racetrack-c1936-2.jpg (99527 bytes)

A westbound MU train is seen in the background, stopped at the high-level platforms that serviced the Jamaica Racetrack station. The Locust Manor at-grade wooden depot, with keystone name board on the wall, is seen in the foreground. The crossover tracks and switches are visible in the near foreground. This view is looking east, c.1936.
The 1927 wooden shelter shed was built nearly touching the 1898 wooden depot building. Photographer:  unidentified, Archive: Dave Keller

RDC1-2-RPO Car-River Ave-Patchogue-4-6-63.jpg (36948 bytes)

The Saturday afternoon Patchogue-Babylon “Scoot” consisting of BUDD RDC1 #3101 and RDC2 #3121, coupled, is heading eastbound near River Ave. crossing as it approaches Patchogue on April 6, 1963.  In tow is RPO (Railway Post Office) car #7743.  As an aside, this towing of non-BUDD cars caused the BUDD Co. to void its warranty on these cars with the L.I.R.R.  At the left is Underwood Coal and Coke and in the foreground is the Ringhouse Siding, which extended all the way from west of the Underwood siding eastward to the west side of the Railroad Ave. crossing (after a 1949 track rearrangement) and had a capacity of 35 cars.  One month later, demolition of the old Patchogue terminal and engine repair facilities would begin.  William Lichtenstern photo, Dave Keller Archive

ORDERING:  After 45 years, it is with heavy heart that I have decided it is time to close my darkroom permanently. 

I will continue to sell high resolution digital scans of my images. 

This allows the buyer to just retain the images in their computer files for viewing enjoyment or, if hard-copy prints are desired, they can be printed from these scans on personal ink-jet printers or may be loaded on a flash drive and brought to a local photo lab who will print them on their professional quality equipment.  The quality of these images done at the lab is amazing and hard to differentiate from the old-style darkroom blow-ups.

Files will be .jpegs in the 2MB to 6MB range, with negatives, slides and/or original photos scanned at 100% size and at a very high dpi resolution.  Alternate file types are available (.tif, .bmp, etc.)

Please contact me for pricing.

1.  There is no shipping charge as images will be e-mailed. 

2.  If total of files exceed 10MB-15MB, multiple e-mails will be sent.

3.  At the buyer's request, multiple images will be loaded onto a flash drive and mailed in a padded, bubble mailer at additional charge.  Please contact me for these additional charges.

Payment required with your order:

1.  Please contact me for acceptable payment methods.

All photos, unless otherwise noted, are © Copyright David Keller - 2013 

Email Contact

bemery_westhampton1965.jpg (56070 bytes)
Conductor Bob Emery discussing business about Train #22, the Thursday “Cannonball” with Brakeman Al Berna at Westhampton station.  Willie Wilson of Special Services looks on at left.   7/25/1968 
Photo: Richard Makse (courtesy of Robert Andersen)

HH-Jakobsen-Wide-Gauge-Tracks-Turntable-In-Bkgd-12-84.jpg (83677 bytes)
Scenes From the Past:
Jakobson Shipyard, Oyster Bay

"1918 Troop Train Wrecked
Leaving Camp Upton"

"Recollections of PD Tower
by Dave Keller

  "1970s LIRR Special Services" by Dave Keller 01/18/05

Photo Vignettes of the LIRR

The Long Island Rail
 Road 1925 - 1975

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Jules P. Krzenski  04/16/32 - 09/17/20

RS1-464-Trn-Panned-Babylon - 1957.jpg (36776 bytes)
RS-1 #464 at Babylon - 1957 
Jules P. Krzenski photo
Dave Keller Archive

In 1969, at age 17, I became friends with another railroad photographer, Jules P. Krzenski.  Jules grew up in Southampton and spent much of his early years hanging around the station there, conversing with block operator/station agent James V. Osborne and cab riding quite a few LIRR steam locomotives on east end freights.

Many of the freight crews knew him.  He was very friendly to me and I visited him many times, talking railroading and photographing trains together (he lived in East Islip along the LIRR’s ROWwest of Great River. All sorts of good trains ran past his house during the summer!  He gave me pointers on how to photograph trains, good places to photograph them and the proper way to date and archive my negatives for preservation.

FM-2002-Cannonball-Babylon-1957-panned.jpg (60059 bytes)
Cannonball 1957 at Babylon
Jules P. Krzenski photo,
Dave Keller Archive

He had a large family and was kindly tolerant of yet another teenager hanging around on Saturdays, occupying his “personal time.”  He moved to the southwestern U.S. many years ago and I lost touch with him. 

 In 2003 another friend assisted me, quite by accident, in locating him. Contact was made, reminiscences and family photos and updates exchanged and, I’m happy to say, he offered me his wonderful LIRR negative collection. He took some great action shots of Fairbanks-Morse units, Budd RDCs and ALCO units in the 1950s, at such places at Babylon (when at grade), Deer Park, Port Jefferson and “B” tower. 

In 1968, after a 10+ year hiatus, he again began photographing, this time ALCO units (both action and roster). 

Sadly, Jules passed away on September 17, 2020 after a battle with Alzheimer's.  He was 88.

Thanks, Jules, for patiently helping out a young railfan and allowing me to keep your archive alive!!
Dave Keller - September 26, 2020

Jeanne and Jules P. Krzenski - Compliments of son, Jim Krzenski


         Last Update: 01/10/2025