26th Year of this website!
Thanks to all for your support and input.
Sponsored by: Long Island Sunrise Trail (LIST)-NRHS
Steven Lynch's Long Island Rail Road Archive
LIRR History, Equipment Rosters, Documents, Maps, Photo Tours, Anecdotes, Web Links, Rosters, Fan Trips, Horn/Steam Sounds, and much more.

Order Form

LIST Calendar Photo Series
LI Sunrise Trail (LIST) - NRHS Site

RMLI Calendar Photo Series
RMLI Website

LIRR Website Links

Oyster Bay Station Restoration Project
 Sponsored by Oyster Bay Railroad Museum
Photo: 7/03/2020 Dave Morrison For further details contact OBRM

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Revisiting the Long Island Rail Road 
1925 - 1975
 Book Index

click image for further info 

The Long Island Rail Road
1925 - 1975 Now in its 4th Printing

Book Index

click image for further info
Copies Available through 
Major Book Sellers

Dave Keller's Long Island Rail Road Photos and Recollections 

Nick Kalis' Long Island Rail Road - Lower Montauk Branch

Steven Lynch's LIRR HO Modeling Photos, Charts, etc.

Steven Lynch's New York & Atlantic Railway   

Steven Lynch's New York & Western "...The Tri-State Gateway"  

Model Railroad Talk podcasts

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New York City's Station Eagles

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Trains & Stamps


Plant City, FL Rail Museum


Florida Railroad Museum

Rahway Valley Railroad

Proto Photos

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Railway Signs

SIRT Staten Island Rapid Transit 

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New York Connecting Railroad
2000 Trip  2001 Trip

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John Bull Engine

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Danbury Station ex-NYNH&H RR

St. Maarten Player Development - Trains




Steve Rothaug's 

Dave Brinkmoeller's
RS2s running light past the church in Chatham, NY
Port Ann Marie & Danasburg Railroad


LIRR Christmas Cards

Toonerville Trolley

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Rocky & Bullwinkle Show


